Sunday, January 21, 2007


Dec 31 . Departed to Phuket from Singapore by Tiger Airways. Everyone told me Tiger Airways will depart from "Budget Terminal" of Changi Airport, but no one told me where the Budget Terminal is. Checked the Changi website and it was stated that Tiger Airways fly from Terminal 1. The fact is you have to take the bus to "Budget Terminal" at the underground. I did went to terminal 1 at first and found a notice board at the stand that Tiger Airways and Cebu Pasific Air fly from Budget Terminal so i walked back and find the terminal. Stupid me didn't read the direction board at first hehe

There are only 2 airlines fly from here so you can imagine that there are not so many passengers, despite on this peak season. Quite lucky that i picked the last flight for going to Phuket on that day. I heard the flight before had been canceled. I got such a trauma for cancel or delay flight hahah

Since I am alone, didn't care much about new year eve party. I was planning to sleep as soon as arrive at the guest house, as I will be picked up for diving on the 6AM next morning. Oh, I stayed at The Little Mermaid Guest House, the only guest house which still available to stay on Dec 31 with short stay and of course with reasonable price, 565 baht per night. And dove with South Siam Divers, arranged by Phuket Happy Tour, a tour operator that run by japanese. They quote an attractive price for 7 dive at Similan Liveaboard for 9000 baht instead of the original price 9900 baht. And no need to pay in advance. A good value!! I asked them to arrange the airport taxi pick up service for me as well. Kinda feel secure if it arranged by a Japanese tour operator.

Didn't expect the fireworks on new year eve will be also held on Kata Beach. Seems like they have the fireworks everywhere, Patong Beach, Karon Beach, Phuket town or everywhere else. I could see the fireworks from my balcony at left, at right, at front, EVERYWHERE!!! It was so awesome! I think it continued till 1 AM or maybe more late, which made me couldn't sleep at all, and know what?! I overslept on the next day! South Siam Divers had came to pick me up meanwhile I still sleeping hahaha Didn't care bout wash my face or brush me teeth, I prepared my things for 5 minutes and ran to the car hahahahha Can be said that I still lucky that I was the first one to be picked-up so no other guests were waiting for me hohohoho

A long journey to Similan. It took 2 hours more to the harbor by car and plus 1,5 hours more to the big boat by speedboat. So here I began my diving journey at Similan on the first day of this year, 1 January 2007!

01 Jan 2007
1st Dive - North Wall - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 29C - Water temp 24C - Visibility 10m - Max depth 18.3m - Dive time 23mins
This is the nicest site for me. There were many kind of corals that I never seen before. The site was so different with Kushimoto. But too bad, I had to go back to the boat after about 10 mins, cause my air had finished (well, I still have John's air) but the most problem is the water was too cold!! I was only with the 3mm shortie in this 24degC temperature!! And it was not fun at all to dive by always sticking with John hehehe
We were 5 person + the guide, John. So John is my buddy. One of us found the mask is not fit with her, and she said she want to go back to boat. OMG!!! As the current quite strong, we were floated to somewhere far from the boat. So that John sent the signal to the boat and asked someone to pick her up and her buddy as well by speedboat.
As we were floated far from the site, we joined the speedboat. Don't get wrong, we didn't sit on the speedboat. We were pulled by the speedboat from the back by catching the rope! John said my air might be had flew-up from the octopus when we were pulled.
Saw my first manta when in safety stop! Too bad the visibility was too bad so didn't see it clearly....

01 Jan 2007
2nd Dive - Anita Reef - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 29C - Water temp 26C - Visibility 10m - Max depth 17.3m - Dive time 51mins

After get down to the water, as usual, get my Lumix underwater camera to catch some nice picture. But what I found!?!! My battery had runned-out! I was too panic when in the first dive finished, so didn't care too much bout my camera. I didn't turn it off!! So folks, no picture for whole day :(
John were taking his rest for this dive so another girl (sorry forgot her name) was my guide. And Fransisco from Spain was my buddy. We were 3 ppls. Only Espanol for Frans. No English. But it was ok when in the underwater. We have universal language :) It was fun when Frans saying "Mucho Furio" and I replied "Sii!! Sii!!" when we finished the diving. It just look like I understand espanol but I am not. Hahaha forget bout it, it was nothing related to diving :P
OK, this time I got one more shortie to wear. Much better. They don't have full suit for rental. Can you I imagine when the guide is wearing full suite, complete with the hood meanwhile I was only with the shortie? T_T
Saw 2 Bluespotted Stingray (ヤッコエイ)and a lot of Garden Eel (ガーデンイール) for the first time. And also the famous nemo,the Clown Anemonefish (カクレクナノミ). I always wanted to take picture of them. All i saw were only yellowtail clownfish in Kushimoto. Well, sure I still have the chance in next time :)

01 Jan 2007
3rd Dive - Stonehenge - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 29C - Water temp 24C - Visibility 10m - Max depth 16.8m - Dive time 54mins

Sorry!!! Forgot bout this dive hahahah so no story :P

01 Jan 2007
4th Dive - Hideaway - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 27C - Water temp 24C - Visibility 10m - Max depth 17.8m - Dive time 33mins

It was the second night dive for me. Most of the ppls chose to stay at the boat and have their beer instead of taking the night dive. So for a whole boat with more that 20 customers, we were only 6 ppls for night dive.
My buddy was Sylvain, a fun guy from France. Spoke a lot with him when on boat. He was also a interpreter for me when talking with Fransisco heheh So no doubt, he can speak espanol as well as english and french.
For the first time saw a crab in the underwater :P It was a red crab, about 15cm. And some small crabs as well.

02 Jan 2007
5th Dive - Elephant Head - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 28C - Water temp 23C - Visibility 15m - Max depth 24.8m - Dive time 50mins

7:30 morning. The visibility seems like getting better. My battery also had been charged well :P Took a lot of pics on this day :D For whole day, only 3 ppls in my group. My buddy Frans and the guide John. So love when dive with a small group.
John also had a camera with him today. I didn't know that a guide will take the camera with him, as our guide in Kushimoto won't. Maybe because we were so a small group??
A lot of fishes that I never know before. There were Titan triggerfish (ゴマモンガラ), Yellow margin triggerfish (キヘリモンガラ), Coral hind (ユカタハタ), False moorish idol (ムレハタタテダイ) , the nudibranch Pteraeolidia ianthina (ムカデミノウミウシ), many kind of big groups of fishes, etc.
I forgot that Titan triggerfish is a dangerous fish although been told before. But won't forget anymore. I met it already and know it very well now ^^;

02 Jan 2007
6th Dive - West of Six - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 32C - Water temp 24C - Visibility 15m - Max depth 23.1m - Dive time 54mins

The weather is getting hotter but not the water. Still same in 24C :(
Saw 2 nudibranch, Phyllidia coelestis (ソライロイボウミウシ) and one more not sure about its name (if you know it, please tell me). Clown triggerfish ( モンガラカワハギ), Redtooth triggerfish
(アカモンガラ),Black triggerfish (ソロイモンガラ), Blackspotted blowfish (コクテンフグ), Sleek unicornfish ( テングハギモドキ), Spotted unicornfish (ツマリテングハギ), Elengote Surgeonfish (ヒラニザ), Powder blue surgeonfish ( パウダーブルーサージョンフィッシュ), Indo-Pacific sergeant ( オヤビッチャ)....

02 Jan 2007
7th Dive - Three Trees - Similan - Phuket - Thailand
Air temp 32C - Water temp 23C - Visibility 15m - Max depth 22.9m - Dive time 40mins

Last dive in Similan. I was thinking to stop at the 6th dive as I have to fly on the next 17 hours. But after discussing with John, he said it should be ok as my flight is a short flight. And of course, he told me that final decision is all on me. Ppls will encourage you to take flight after 24 hours or at least 18 hours.Well anyway, I decided to join. Didn't want to loose this last opportunity.
Few coral in here so felt the sea was so empty. For the first time could found a tiny fish out from the hole by myself. I guess it was a jawfish. Too bad my skill is too bad so couldn't take the picture.
There were a lot of sting ray in here. More than ten. Then John found the Cleaner shrimp (サラサエビ). Saw Tail-fin batfish (ツバメウオ), Orangespinned unicornfishes (ミヤコテングハギ), jellyfish (クラゲ), many triggerfish, moorish idol and again, a lot of groups of fishes...
Uploaded one of the scene in the underwater.

The boat was big and the room was comfort. Only me in my room. Yay!!
Liveaboard really fun! I only need to set the equipment only when the first dive and the cruise staff will refill the air while the tank still with the equipment. Meet a lot of ppls from all over the world. Sometimes talked with european/american in english and sometimes with japanese in japanese ^^; Seems like there were more europeans than americans on the boat.
One thing have to warn you if you are going to join a liveaboard. Be sure you keep your shoes as soon as you have your room cause I lost mine!!

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Friday, January 12, 2007


9日にビジネスクラスで戻ってきました♪ といっても北京までだけね。北京ー大阪はエコノミークラス。やっぱりビジネスクラスは快適!ビジネスクラスのお客さんは私ともう一人のインド人のみ。夜中のフライトなので、寝るだけでしたけど。朝時に目覚まして、すぐ「飲みものは?お食事は?」とサービスしてくれた。初めて中国国際航空の機内食は美味しいと思ったw


関空からの出発はやっぱり遅れた。しかも搭乗してから、機内で時間を待たせれた。あの狭い席に。搭乗する前に北京の天気分からないのかな?朝時あわてて家から出たのに。。 でも、一番心配なのは時間後のシンガポールまでの乗り継ぎが間に合うかどうか。幸いというか、シンガポール行き便も遅れた。北京空港で時間待ってた。ビジネスクラスをアップグレードできたらな~。ラウンジで待てるのにね。

ちなみに、関空で111番出発ゲートがあるのが知ってた?モノレールを乗ろうとしたら、111番がない!よーく見たら、他の方向にあって、歩いていくのだ。そして、飛行機まではバスで。関空でバスで搭乗するのは初めてだぁ~ 感動というか、不思議というか ^^;

さて、プーケット。今年の初ダイブ。日。楽しかったけど悔しかった。プーケットのダイビング聖地と言われるシミラン諸島、普段の水温28度~29度のところ、私が潜ったときなんと23度~24度でした。10月の串本と一緒だ。ショック!しかもスーツはショーティーしかなかった。想像できる??あの寒さ。 結局ショーティーを重した。ちょっとましだったかな。 

ハップニングも色々。一本目のダイブはエア切れ+寒すぎ、ちゃんと潜れなかったり(エア切れの経験できたよ!ってうちのインストラクターに伝えたかったw)、水中でフィンが落としてしまって、陸上でフィンが取られて、散々「I LOST MY FIN! I LOST MY FIN! 」と叫んだり、カメラをつけっぱなしして電池が切れたり、最後までクルーズでスニーカーが間違って取られて、結局サンダルでインドネシアに帰るという始末になってしまったり。。

ま、色々あって、クルーズはやっぱり楽しい!!ダイビング前後はちょー楽。器材のセットは最初の1回のみ、その後 毎日クルーズのスタッフがそのまま同じタンクにエアを補充してくれる。水温24度って、5mmのフルスーツあれば、めっちゃめっちゃ寒いわけではないけど、ボートを乗ってるときは一番寒くて、きつい!!でもクルーズだったら、浮上したらすぐクルーズに戻れて、すぐシャワー浴びれる。寒さなんてすぐ吹き飛ばす。あと、私が乗ってるクルーズはすごい国際的。色んな国の人とお話できて、すごい楽しかった。

そして、シミラン諸島には すごい大群のお魚、初のマンタさま(透明度が悪くてぼやけて見えたけど)、あっちこっちにいるスティングレイ、色々「はじめまして」のお魚などなど。透明度は10mぐらいだけだけど、初心者の私には十分楽しめた。今度はもっと長めのクルーズを参加したいな~。

   雪の北京空港          ビジネスクラスの朝食       私が乗ってたクルーズ 
                                          SOUTH SIAM SONBOON 3

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