Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Speciality Diver

Actually in last diving trip in Kushimoto I can get "Speciality Diver" license but didn't apply for it. Nobody will say that her/himself is speciality diver hihihihi Nothing to be proud for it. They will be more proud to say that he/she is Advance Open Water Diver. Still have 12 dive to be an AOW Diver... *According SSI (Scuba School International) standard, we can have "Speciality Diver" licence after our 12th dive.

Anyway, would like to share u guys my diving experience this time. As usual, went to Club Do Diving Centre at Kushimoto, from Oct 07 - 08, 2006.

We departed from Osaka at Oct 06. That day was Chinese Autumn Festival. The moon at chinese autumn festival is believed as the lightest moon all over the year. Wished we had a night diving at that night. You even could drive at night without the lamp. So you also could dive at night without a torch. But we know it is a impossible thing ^^; We arrived at Kushimoto kinda 12 or 1 pm..... its the sleep time, not dive time! :p

07 Oct 2006
Boat 1 - Ebisu No Hama, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp 26C - Water temp 26C - Visibility 4m - Max depth 6.2m - Dive time 41mins
The day after typhoon. Woke up in the early morning but still worried if we can dive or not... While waiting for the boat dive, we began first dive by beach entry at Ebisu no Hama. Dive by 3kg weight. Beyond our expectation, there was many fishes around. We even can saw the cute Neoclinus bryope (コケギンポ) . Thanks to Si-chan for drawing the cute kokeginpo on my logbook. Beside that, as usual there were many Stripey (カゴカキダイ - Microcanthus strigatus)around.
This is my first time to dive in small group. Only 4 ppls dived together + 1 guide. Very enjoyed it.

my instructor The Stripey Oyaji's hand with the clown fish

Boat 2 - Miya no Seto, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp 26C - Water temp 24.2C - Visibility 7m - Max depth 23.1m - Dive time 32mins
For the first time, we joined other diving shop for the diving trip to dive in Miya no Seto. Even this point was the first time for my instructure. Wow!!! I found this point really different as usual. Our diving shop never went this dive point. Every shop have their own dive point, I think.... I had difficulity at first for the buoyancy cause I still had my 3 kg weight for this deepness!!! Gosh, had a bad time! But thanks God I could got the balance at last. The guide, Nakamura-san showed us the cute little clown fish in the coral. It was soooo cuteeeeee!!! There were also little cuttlefish (コウイカ - speiida), Striped Catfish (ゴンズイ - Plotosus Lienatus), Long-spinned Sea Urchin (ガンガゼ - Diadema Savignyi), Sea Hare (ウミウサギ - Ovula Ovum)
Still... I had trouble at my 12th dive..... My gauge showed unstable scale.. sometimes 70 sometimes 50 ... we were told that we have to back to the boat if we found our gauge show 70.... but at that time I found my gauge show 50... really panic.... NO!!! I have to go!! but ... when i saw my gauge again, I still have 70 hahahha When I asked my instructure, she told me it was because I didn't set my tank properly.....A good lecture, must be more careful in next setting.

view from boat the cuttlefish (speiida species) Striped Catfish (Plotosus Lienatus)
Long-Spinned Sea Urchin (Diadema Savignyi) Sea Hare (?) - Umiusagi the small cute clownfish

08 Oct 2006
Boat 1 - Orotsu no Hama, Kii Ooshima, Japan
Air temp 21C - Water temp 24C - Visibility (no data) - Max depth 16.2m - Dive time 47mins
Still in bad condition after typhoon... sigh... Woke up in early morning for waiting info if any boat can take us for diving. At last we waited till 11 am and we have to moved to Ooshima for diving, about 10 mins drive from Kushimoto. This time had more time for taking picture but still... I have to learn more for photography.... couldn't get any best shot....
The fishes in picture are Squirrelfishes (サルゴセントロン・コルヌータム - Sargocentron Cornutum), Shortspined Cowfish (シマウミスズメ
- Lactoria Fornasini), The Blue Damsel (ソラスズメダイ - Pomacentrus Coelestis). There is one fish in picture that I don't know it's name... anyone can tell me?
the coral Squirrelfishes (Sargocentron cornutum) Shortspined Cowfish (Lactoria fornasini)
The Blue Damsel (Pomacentrus coelestis) View from Harbour

Boat 2 - , Tsu-Suri (Two-Thre-?), Kii Ooshima, Japan
Air temp 22C - Water temp 23.7C - Visibility (no data) - Max depth 18.3m - Dive time 37mins
My last dive at Wakayama this year. 22C really cold, especially after dive, too cold to stay on boat. Really cold!! Can't bear anymore. Maybe this year will dive at abroad ( I wish!!) or have to wait till summer next year.....
There were Dragon Moray Eel (トラウツボ - Muraena pardalis), Domino Damsel (ミツボシクロスズメダイ - Dascyllus trimaculatus). No need to say clown fish (クマノミ - Amphiprion clarkii), almost every dive in Kushimoto we can see it. But still, they are photogenic hehe
Dragon Moray Eel Domino Damsel (Dascyllus trimaclatus) The Clown Fish

near to best shot? View from Harbour

頑張って英語で書いて見ました。日本語は無理・・・ 許して・・・

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In Seoul

Lagi di Seoul neh ;) Habis makan di Myeongdong, kerennya makan di kaki lima bisa bayar pake credit card. Jempol dah hahahah Nulis blog sambil mabok2, habis minum soju hehehe Kali ini jalan2 di Seoul 5 hari cuman makan shopping tidur makan shopping tidur. Sama sekali ga ada acara "sightseeing" Sekarang lagi online dari guest house di area Insadong. Pas baru datang seh nginap di area Daehano, tapi rada kecewa ternyata kamar yg kita nginap beda ama yg kita lihat di website, so kita pindah. Keren deh di Seoul, tiap stasiun subway ada internet so kita bisa ngecek guest house di stasiun n kita ketemu guest house Beewon, n kita rasa tidak beda jauh ama yg di website, cuman itu loh...wc di kamar tuh rada bau --; sampe gw semprot2 parfum gw yg baru dibeli di "The Face Shop" :p
Well, udah foto lumayan banyak, ntar di-post deh (^o^) See ya~~~


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Thank guys always giving me your best wishes every year. Seneng banget nerima message dari elo2 pada n maafin ya kalo gw baru sempat balas hari ini. Setelah 3 taon berturut2 rayain di Okinawa, taon ini karena bbrp alasan, ga jadi ke Okinawa :( Sebagai gantinya, gw ke Kushimoto diving. Ntar kalo ada waktu gw update foto lagi (^^)

Hari ini barusan pulang dari biztrip Taiwan n Hongkong Oct 11~17. Pas di Taiwan (Oct 11~12) seh masih bisa online gratis di hotel, tapi pas dah di Hongkong ternyata online mesti bayar. Mahal banget lagi. HKD 150 per 24 jam. Dari pada bayar mahal mending online gratis di exhibition (tujuan gw ke hongkong buat jaga pameran) Tapi ya itu, ga bisa online lama2. Cuman bisa sempatin balas email kerjaan doang.

Hari ini jam 4 sore tiba di kantor, dokumen2 udah numpuk. Mulai besok mesti sibuk lagi dah... Plus sabtu depan cuti ke korea sampe hari rabu. Ga kebayang 3 hari ini apa bisa selesai kerjaan gw.... wish me luck!!


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Boat & Night Diving

pemandangan di pelabuhanMinggu lalu akhirnya tiba waktu ikutan Aki Matsuri Ternyata ditambah peserta OWD n staff totalnya ada 40-an orang. Gilee beneerrrr ramenya... Yg ikutan night diving ajaa ada 21 orang... Kali ini dapat keistimewaan khusus untuk Aki Matsuri, yg baru pertama kali ikutan night diving ga perlu beli buku petunjuk, cukup bayar buat aplikasi speciality doang. Mungkin gara2 ini rame kali yeee dan mungkin ikan2 yg ada Kusimoto juga kaget kali tiba2 kok banyak orang yg bawa senter hahahaha

23 Sep 2006
Boat 1 - Sumisaki No. 3, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp 22C - Water temp 26.9C - Visibility 15m - Max depth 18.8m - Dive time 27mins
Pertama kali ikutan boat diving. Entry dengan cara backroll. Wah pertama kali deg2an juga, untung ga bermasalah n bisa entry dengan sukses. Gw agak bermasalah dengan kuping so mesti pelan2 so akhirnya gw yg terakhir sampe di dasar.... Kalo udah sampe di dasar seh gak papa, ga berasa sakit lagi kuping gw. Tapi ada sekali ga tau kenapa tiba2 gw terapung sampe ke permukaan hahaha maklum masih pemula.... hehehe nah mau turun ke dasar lagi ampun deh susah lagi mesti pelan2 soalnya kuping bermasalah lagi.... Sempat foto dikit tapi karena visibilitynya kurang n masih ga jago foto, ga ada yg bagus.... Instruktur gw bilang gw masih terlalu cepet megang kamera ... jadi malu....

Boat 2 - Glass World, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp 22C - Water temp 27C - Visibility 12m - Max depth 17.9m - Dive time 36mins
Ga jelas kenapa namanya Glass World... Kali ini ga begitu bermasalah dengan backroll entry, udah lumayan bisa. Tapi trouble kali ini regulator n inflator gw kesangkut di tali anchor. Untung pernah belajar gimana lepasin regulator so ga terlalu bermasalah. BUT sesampe di dasar baru sadar kalo inflator gw ternyata lepas sama sekali!!! nyari2 ga ketemu inflator gw akhirnya guide-nya yg bantuin gw pasang. Aman. Sempet panik juga ^^; Kali ini ga bawa kamera, belajar diving dulu (sebenarnya sih kelupaan juga kamera gw di boat hehehe)

Night 1 - Ebisu no Hama, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp (no data) - Water temp 27.1C - Visibility (no data) - Max depth 8.2m - Dive time 34mins
Kali ini entry-nya dari pantai, ga pake boat. Karena ada 21 orang, group dibagi jadi 2. Gw kebagian di group 2. Group pertama lebih enak, entrynya belum gelap trus pas diving baru pelan2 gelap. Kalo group gw masuk2 udah gelap --; Gile banget neh di pantai sini banyak banget sejenis uni (sea urchin) kalo ga tau tuh mikirin aja durian kecil. Tau dong kalo duren banyak duri. Nah sama lah kalo uni. Gw baru masuk aja pergelangan kaki kanan gw udah kena satu. Gile sakit banget. akhirnya cuman kaki kiri doang yg gw ayuh. lama2 capek juga kaki kiri so gw coba juga pake kaki kanan. Visibilitynya kurang banget, ga bisa jelas ngeliat sekitar. Setelah beberapa lama lutut kanan gw kena lagi uni T_T Apes banget dah!!! Ga sabar lagi pengen pulang T_T

24 Sep 2006
Boat 1 - Bizen, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp (no data) - Water temp 27C - Visibility (no data) - Max depth 18.2m - Dive time 37mins
Kali ini trouble lagi. Iseng2 fotoin teman gw pas diving, trus gw juga mau difotoin ama dia. Pas ngasiin kamera gw ke dia ga tau kenapa kita berdua ga bisa ngontrol bouyancy akhirnya terapung sampe ke permukaan lagi.... Padahal pas entry gw udah ga bermasalah ama kuping, malah paling pertama sampe di dasar. Tapi gara2 terapung mau turun lagi ke dasar, sakit lagi deh kuping.... Kalo udah kaya gitu bener2 ngerepotin instruktur n member lainnya...
sumimasen.... m(__)m
clownfish Moorish Idol bintang laut

Boat 2 - Sumisaki Ebine, Kushimoto, Japan
Air temp (no data) - Water temp 27C - Visibility (no data) - Max depth 14.7m - Dive time 35mins
Akhirnya kali ini ga ada bermasalah sekali, so sebagai diving yg terakhir kali ini gw rada puas deh heheheh Hari ini juga lumayan liat banyak jenis ikannya deh. Ada キリンミノ (Zebra Lion Fish - Dendrochirus zebra), アジアコショウダイの幼魚 (Juvenile Magpie Sweetlips - Plectorhinchus picus), ツノダシ (Moorish Idol - Zanclus cornutus), bintang laut (ga tau species yg mana satu :p) etc etc
Terakhir pas udah pulang ke penginapan n mandi baru sadar pergelangan kaki kanan gw lecet sampe 2cm ada kali. Kayanya gara2 pas night diving kebanyakan pake kaki kanan kali hahahah
Zebra Lion Fish Juvenile Magpie Sweetlips nih satu ini yg bikin gw luka :p

Well akhirnya selesai juga 5 dive kali ini. Lanjut recananya 7-8 Oktober ke Kushimoto lagi buat diving terakhir diving di Kushimoto taon ini. Dah bokek bo!!!!
